Kathleen Carnali Tells the Story of Coming Back to Life

Christian Music Artist, singer/songwriter Kathleen Carnali, suddenly knew the challenges of sickness in a way like she had never before. Her body was extremely weak, breathing became difficult, and the headaches were severe. She knew that she would need to fight, but was desperate for the strength to do so. “I remember crying out to the Lord for divine help. It felt as though my body was spiraling out of control, and taking me down with it.” With every ounce of strength that she could gather, Kathleen brought herself to a place of worship before the Lord. “I realized that fear was my enemy, and it was a strangler of hope. I had to cast it out and believe God for his goodness and healing over my life.” She received a new found strength, as fresh lyrics and melody filled her mouth. “He’s healing me, He’s healing me, He’s healing me from the inside… so here I am, I’m coming back to life.” This song of declaration and power began to fill her soul and overflow into the room. “Coming Back to Life” became her fight song, and an anthem to those who would soon hear it in concert. Flash forward to a Nation in peril and a world dealing with global illness. “I’m believing “Coming Back to Life” to be a prophetic declaration over America. We are not strangers to sickness, disease or tragedy… but Jesus has overcome, and we hold onto hope and not fear. He is healing us from the inside. We are coming back to life!”